Darling Downs Gazette (Qld.), Saturday 25 June 1898,
page 2
Pictorial Postcards— to be Issued
pictorial postcards, which have recently been printed by the Government
Printer, will be on sale today. Proofs of these were shown to a representative
of the 'Telegraph.' As it was desirable to secure an early issue of these
cards, it was found necessary to use such material as was available, and the
selection was limited. In future more suitable illustrations will be used.
Zincography is the process employed, which is not equal to collotype for the
production of appropriate views. It is intended to cover, as far as possible,
the whole range of the colony's scenery and productions, together with the
principal buildings, &c. As it is desired to secure as large a circulation
as possible for these cards, the value of the postage stamps only will be
charged for. It will therefore be possible for purchasers of the cards to send
them throughout the Australasian colonies for 1d., while those bearing the 1.5d.
stamp can be sent to any part of the civilised world. The Postmaster-General (the
Hon. W. H. Wilson) trusts that the expense of producing this novel series of views
will be more than recouped by their extensive circulation and the knowledge of
Queensland they are intended to convey to whom the name of the colony is at
present but a geographical expression.