Monday, September 12, 2016

Stamp collectors being charged too much to send used stamps through the mail - 1890

Brisbane Courier (Qld), Monday 20 January 1890, page 6

Postage on stamps

Sir,-Allow me through your columns to draw attention to the great drawback placed upon, stamp collectors in Brisbane by the Postal Department. In sending away quantities of cancelled Queensland stamps the inter-colonial rate of postage is 2d. for every half ounce, and the foreign 6d. for every half-ounce. Now this is an exorbitant charge, and the young stamp collectors in Brisbane find it very adverse to their pockets, especially when they send away from 10oz. to 12oz. at a time. I believe used stamps were passed under book post rate until recently, and surely this plan could be adopted again without any material falling off in the revenue. Trusting I have not imposed too much on your space,-I am,

sir, etc.,


Brisbane, 18th January.